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The Changing Dentist Workforce in Tennessee: Implications for the Future


Brittany Flynn

June 1, 2024



CE Credits:

About the Course

This presentation will provide attendees with a deep dive into the state of the dental profession in the United States and specifically in Tennessee. The presentation will include the most up-to-date trends on changing dentist demographics, dental education, dental practice structure, and more.

Educational Objectives

  • To assess the dental care landscape in Tennessee through dynamic data on the state dentist workforce

  • Identify the implications that dentist workforce trends have for access to dental care and dentists’ career satisfaction

Your Instructor

Brittany Flynn

Brittany promotes the quality and visibility of ADA Health Policy Institute content by editing and preparing reports for publication, managing the content and navigability of the HPI website, and collecting and distilling data for HPI’s various research initiatives. Brittany also represents HPI in an ADA cross-divisional group dedicated to Medicaid reform and expansion; efforts include providing HPI data on dentist participation in Medicaid, determining the level of adult dental benefits offered by state, and conducting literature reviews on Medicaid issues. Prior to joining the ADA in 2015, Brittany worked as a graduate assistant for DePaul University History Department. Brittany obtained her Master’s degree in History from DePaul University and Bachelor’s degree in History and American Studies from Lake Forest College.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

None Reported

The TDA is an ADA CERP provider (May 2024 – June 2028)

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at

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